Phase 1 | Research
Idea’s industrial design research; identifies the aesthetics; ergonomics; user experience (UX); demographic; patent (IP) and marketing needs of a product and design brief confirmation.
Phase 2 | Concept
Idea’s concept sketch process evolves the product brief into an early visual presentation showcasing aesthetic styling direction; product features; and engineering intent.
Phase 3 | Form Study
Idea’s designers 'hand craft' form study models to further assist aesthetic and ergonomic resolve of visually demanding products, literally bringing concepts to life.
Phase 3.1 | Mock-Up
Idea’s mock-up model build techniques provide an early insight to product performance, size/proportion, and weight/balance; which are important factors for early proof of concept.
Phase 4 | Engineering
Idea’s design engineers work with the very latest in 3D CAD modelling software from Siemens NX as they capture complex surfaces, and detail working product assemblies at high-level engineering performance resolve.
Phase 5 | Prototype
Idea specialises in producing prototypes that perform in a variety of production-quality materials and appearance; validating and showcasing the product to the market before tooling investment.
Phase 6 | Specification
Idea’s design specifications ensure critical areas of the design function and appearance are clearly communicated in product instruction manuals, engineering drawings, Patent applications and through to manufacturing.
Phase 7 | Tooling
Idea’s NZ-based design and engineering team provide tool designs with ‘off-tool’ checks, to efficiently manage the tooling process. Our China-based team provides the 'hands-on' assistance ensuring quality, efficiency, and supply to meet your requirements.
Phase 8 | Production
Idea’s dedicated manufacturing/sourcing solution provides the complete supply service of produced components, products and sourced goods including; PSI quality audits, 'door-to-door' freight forwarding; importation; and local delivery, to meet your requirements.