Product Egnineering - Design for Manufacture (DFM)
Project - Roller Blaster
When the team at Roller Blaster approached Idea, their working prototype clearly demonstrated the market potential for this innovative Paint Roller® cleaning concept product.
The challenge for Idea was to redesign the prototype into a mass production ready design, with enhanced cleaning performance, whilst retaining the maximum 3 litre water consumption and 30 second time cycle efficiency.
Idea’s knowledge base and team experience with DFM & DFA techniques ensured every design decision around, internal engineering structure, material and manufacturing method selection, and visual aesthetics delivered a production ready, award winning design exceeding the project brief and goals.
As part of the Idea Group, Idea's NZ based team of design engineers use leading edge design techniques, combined with real world manufacturing experience via our Idea-China operation to produce effective, production ready product designs.